Elaine Musgrave and Michael Wood-Vasey, Class of 2032 Parents

伊莱恩·马斯格雷夫(Elaine Musgrave)和迈克尔·伍德·维西(Michael Wood-Vasey)第一次从朋友那里听说澳门新葡新京官方教育的变革力量, 很快他们就通过女儿亲身体验到了, Ella, Class of 2032. Attracted to Ellis’ emphasis on community and responsibility, 伊莱恩和迈克尔想把他们的女儿送到一所能尊重她的声音的学校, heard, and valued from a young age.
Daughter:Estella "Ella" Woodgrave, Class of 2032
Years at Ellis:2

Why did you choose Ellis for your daughter?
Elaine: Ellis was always a school we thought about because we live so close; when we passed by we would see the banners celebrating the students. We were also aware of Ellis’ involvement in the sciences, 在我们调查学校之前,这对我们来说是一个特别有说服力的信息. 我觉得我的成长过程中所受的教育并没有像我希望的那样,让我与科学和科学概念建立起良好的关系, so when I saw the STEM focus at Ellis, that mattered to me. 我希望女孩们能够获得所需的工具,让她们有信心了解周围的世界及其运作方式.

迈克尔:因为我们离学校很近,所以澳门新葡新京官方一直是领跑者. 我们也有一些朋友是澳门官方老葡京的家长,他们知道自己和自己的女儿都爱澳门官方老葡京. 这是我们在做决定时注意到并考虑到的.

Why do you stay at Ellis?
Michael: Because it’s working great for Ella. I never thought I would send my daughter to an all-girls school, mostly because it just wasn’t a thing in my head. 但我教物理,我看到女性只是我们社区的一小部分,而且充满活力. 在澳门新葡新京官方,女孩们有机会从很小的时候就知道,她们的声音应该得到尊重,应该被听到.

伊莱恩:我喜欢这样一个事实,当我们在澳门新葡新京官方有问题的时候, 学校的老师和管理人员总是很积极主动,愿意与我们合作. For instance, 我们询问了艾拉的钢琴课程,并与学校合作为她找到解决方案. 因为这是一所小学校,每个孩子都被视为一个人,而不仅仅是一个单位. The needs of each child are being served. The more I think about my own experience at a women’s college, 特别是在今天的环境中,当我们都很清楚作为一个女人在世界上航行意味着什么, the all-girls aspect becomes more important to me. I think back to my college experience and how special that was to me, 我不知道我在男女同校是否会有同样的经历. 有了这样的基础,你知道你的声音会被听到,会被倾听,这就消除了女性的一个复杂因素.  

What does your daughter love about Ellis? What do you love about Ellis?
Michael: I asked Ella this question this morning and she said, “I love going to the art classroom with Ms. Ceurvorst.” Ella is very happy here. We love seeing that dynamic between her and her teachers, and we like the way specials complement the structure of the classroom. 看到老师不仅喜欢教学,而且是他们领域的专家,教我们的女儿真的很独特.

伊莱恩:她还在上学前班,她已经在谈论我没听说过的艺术家了! I’m excited for that to continue—her teaching me new things. 我喜欢每次我们走进低年级,走过走廊时,她的老师都认识她,并与她建立了一种特殊的关系. Not just her homeroom teachers either, but the specials teachers who see so many different girls every day. They celebrate each girl as an individual. It’s wonderful to have that focus on community.

What do you value in education for your daughter?
迈克尔:现在,她正处在学习的风口浪尖,她可以做一些需要一点思考的事情. I’m personally really excited about that as a parent. I think she’d be fine and happy at a large school, 但很可能没有人会注意到她已经准备好在更深层次上参与进来. At home, she has good ideas and good analysis of situations, so being at a small school where that’s recognized and seen is valuable. Also, 我看重的是,教职员工似乎真的想留在这里,这一点非常重要. There’s a lot of pride in the School, and people are always saying, “How can we make the School even better?”

Elaine: I want her to be a good citizen. 这种全人教育体验的一部分是学习和促进如何善良, and while that may sound simplistic, I want her to be encouraged to grow in all of the right ways. 社区从小就强调责任和独立对我来说非常重要. I feel like, at Ellis, the School itself, the teachers, 政府都在努力做正确的事情,这让我对孩子们也能学到这一点充满信心.

Why has your family prioritized and invested in an all-girls school?
迈克尔:我们开始看到男孩和女孩在学校受到不同对待的间接影响. 对我们来说,全女生并不是最重要的目标,但我们明显看到了这些差异.

伊莱恩:有一次我们在家里,艾拉在玩汽车,她说, “Oh no, girls can’t drive!” And we made sure to tell her that of course girls can drive. It really blew my mind and reminded me of how early gender bias starts. It takes a very conscious effort to work against that kind of thinking. 我想让她接受这样一个事实:她可以喜欢粉红色,也可以对科学感到兴奋!

What do you hope your daughter will get out of an Ellis education?

Elaine: The persistence to do something that she loves and cares about. 我想让她知道,如果她在某件事上努力,她就能做得更好.

伊莱恩:女子学校的存在本身就说明了女孩受教育的重要性. 在我们的社会中,可以很快地传达出女孩并不总是第一优先. 当你在女子学校上学时,你每天都会得到这样的信息:你的教育很重要.

迈克尔:因为学校的女生环境和学校的规模, I feel that Ella thinks of all the students as individuals. She doesn’t make categorical statements. She’s learning that she has a place in class and to be respected.

Elaine: She loves being at Ellis, 最让我兴奋的是她从开始学到了这么多. Her learning really took off when she started. 在她来这里工作后不久,她所能做的事情就变得很明显了.  

If you had to describe your daughter in three words, what would they be?
Elaine and Michael: Curious, thoughtful, resilient.